Venue & Hotels


Tanzschule Weiss

Christian-Pleß-Straße 11-1363069 Offenbach am Main

How to get there and where to stay

General information

Offenbach is close to Frankfurt so you can choose to sleep in one of both cities.

We recommend to stay in Offenbach to be direct at the location.

Because Frankfurt is a central point for travellers it's very easy to reach by airplane, train or car.

By airplane

Important: do not confuse Frankfurt am Main with Frankfurt Hahn, because both have an airport.

Frankfurt am Main is a neighbor city of Offenbach, so this should be your first option by plane.

Frankfurt Hahn is 1:30 h drive away from Offenbach, but there is a shuttle-bus in case you  find a cheaper flight to Frankfurt Hahn.

By train

If you're coming from far away, you'll probably first want to go to Frankfurt Central Station (Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof).

Once in Frankfurt or in a city nearby, you can travel to the venue by public transport.
The recommended stations are:

By Car

In the venue there are is a paid parking area available.

Close to the venue there is cheaper (half the price) paid covered parking area:
Parkhaus Waldstraße
Waldstraße 44, 63065 Offenbach am Main


There are many. Here we have some suggestions:

Where to eat

There is a street with many good restaurants, that you can find searching for
Wilhelmspl. 8, 63065 Offenbach am Main

Some recommendations there are: